Jennifer Weeber, of Northfork Local Foods in Hazard, Ky.; she is also involved with the Perry County Diabetes Coalition.
Diabetes Prevention Resources
The National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): In-Person Meetings – The Kentucky River District Health Department; call for class location in Perry Co. IN PERSON. This year-long program includes 16 sessions the first 6 months & 6 or more sessions the last 6 months. Call for class dates, location, & time. CONTACT: April Sandlin or Denesa Watts: (606-439-2361) or (606) 785-3144, Denesas.watts@ky.gov or april.sandlin@ky.gov |
The National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): Online Meetings – Coach Shellie’s Healthy Lifestyle Program (Full CDC Recognition) DETAILS: Meets online. This year-long program includes 16 sessions the first 6 months and 6 or more sessions the last 6 months. Call to register & for more. CONTACT: Shellie Wingate, (502) 682-5079, shellie.wingate@gmail.com
– Good Measures, LLC (Full CDC Recognition) DETAILS: Meets online. This year-long program includes 16 sessions the first 6 months & 6 or more sessions the last 6 months. Call to register & for more. CONTACT: Cassandra Johnson, (617) 531-9149 X2713, Cassandra.johnson@goodmeasures.com
– Balanced Wellness KY (Full CDC Recognition) DETAILS: Meets online. This year-long program includes 16 sessions the first 6 months & 6 or more sessions the last 6 months. Call to register & for more. CONTACT: Terry Gehrke, (502) 716-7773, tag@balancedwellnessky.com |
Healthy Eating, Farmers' Markets, & Community Events – The Perry County Farmers’ Market, check their Facebook page for market times.
– Northfork Local Foods, a project aimed at increasing access to locally grown and produced foods within communities along and around the North Fork of the Kentucky River. |
Diabetes Management Resources
Diabetes Coalitions & Support Groups – The Perry County Diabetes Coalition at The UK Center for Excellence in Rural Health DETAILS: Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month from 12:00PM till 1:00PM. Locations are subject to change; call for more information. CONTACT: Mary Collins, (606) 435-7681, PerryCoDiabetesCoalition@gmail.com |
Diabetes Self-Management Education & Support Classes (DSMES) – The Kentucky River District Health Dept., with The Kentucky Dept. of Public Health, at the Perry County Health Center. DETAILS: Nationally recognized/accredited class: ‘HEALTHY LIVING WITH DIABETES.’ Call for scheduling dates, times, & to register. CONTACT: April Sandlin or Denesa Watts, (606) 439-2361, april.sandlin@ky.gov
– Faith Moves Mountains – Appalachians In Control (Call for class location) DETAILS: ‘EVERYONE WITH DIABETES COUNTS’ Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) Classes meet for 2 hours once a week for 6 weeks. Call for scheduling dates, times, and to register. CONTACT: Sarah Stone, (606) 574-0871, sarah.stone@uky.edu
– Kentucky Homeplace, 750 Morton Blvd., Hazard, KY 41701. DETAILS: Stanford’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP). Classes are designed to be taught by trained non-licensed professionals who are living with a chronic disease. Classes meet for 2.5 hours a week for 6 weeks. Call to Register. CONTACT: Carole Frazier, (606) 439-3557, carole.frazier@uky.edu https://ruralhealth.med.uky.edu/cerh-homeplace
– The Kentucky River Area Agency on Aging & Independent Living (Call for class location in Perry Co.) DETAILS: Stanford’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP). Classes are designed to be taught by trained non-licensed professionals who are living with a chronic disease. Classes meet for 2.5 hours a week for 6 weeks. Call to register. CONTACT: Staci Noble: (606) 436-3158, stacie@kradd.org
– Mountain Comprehensive Health Care: Buckhorn Clinic, 72 Buckhorn Clinic Road, Buckhorn, KY 41721. DETAILS: ‘EVERYONE WITH DIABETES COUNTS’ Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) Classes meet for 2 hours once a week for 6 weeks. Call for scheduling dates, times, & to register. CONTACT: Chasity Eversole, (606) 633-4871, ceversole@mtncomp.org
– Mountain Comprehensive Health Care: Leatherwood/Blackey Clinic, 464 KY Hwy 699, Cornettsville, KY 41731. DETAILS: ‘EVERYONE WITH DIABETES COUNTS’ Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) Classes meet for 2 hours once a week for 6 weeks. Call for scheduling dates, times, & to register. CONTACT: Chasity Eversole, (606) 633-4871, ceversole@mtncomp.org
– Primary Care Centers of Eastern KY, 101 Town & Country Lane, Suite 101, Hazard, KY 41701. DETAILS: Call for scheduling dates, times, & to register. CONTACT: Mary Collins, Martha Bailey, or Jessica Anderson, (606) 435-7681, mcollins@pccek.com or janderson@pccek.com |
Medical Nutrition Therapy/Dietitians – Perry County Health Center, 239 Lovern Street, Hazard, KY 41701. Call for more information. CONTACT: Alice Caudill, (606) 785-3144, alicem.caudill@ky.gov
– Primary Care Centers of Eastern KY, 101 Town & Country Lane, Suite 101, Hazard, KY 41701. Call for more information. CONTACT: Misty Allen, (606) 439-1300, mallen@pcek.com www.pccek.com
– UK’s North Fork Valley Community Health Center, 750 Morton Blvd., Hazard, KY 41701. Call for more information. CONTACT: Ask for Medical Nutritional Therapy, (606) 439-1559.
– MCHC’s Leatherwood/Blackey Clinic, 464 KY Hwy 699, Cornettsville, KY 41731. Call for more information. CONTACT: Erin Gibson, (606) 633-4871, egibson@mtncomp.org
– MCHC’s Buckhorn Clinic, 72 Buckhorn Clinic Road, Buckhorn, KY 41721. Call for more information. CONTACT: Erin Gibson, (606) 633-4871, egibson@mtncomp.org |
*NOTE: information presented here (aside from Farmers’ Market info) comes from the Kentucky Diabetes Resource Directory. It may not account for differences in programs/services due to COVID-19, so be sure to double-check to confirm! Also, these listings might not be complete, and we do not endorse one entity/provider over another.